emerging technologies 1

3d printing unit


et1 homepage our pages ex1.1 homepage ex1.2 keychain ex1.3 Fixit Project 1


recent lessons / demos / skills

Check out: the demo I used and also the Figma File

ex1.3 repair something using 3d design and printing (or make something handy you can use)

Using 3d design software such as Fusion 360, design a replacement part for something broken or missing. OR... you can design a handy device.

Part of the challenge here is to design a part to an exact shape & size. Make your life easier:

To print:

presentation suggestion: Create a page to publish your work. (i.e. et1/3dprinting/index.html )

due: September 20

project 1: 3d design project

Design and print a creative project of your choice.

Your design should include a function element such as:


Patterns in Fusion 360ยบ

web design foundations

There are a few big ideas in web design that we need to know. Mobile-first, responsive and accessible.

semantic HTML

Semantic elements in HTML are those that describe the content it contains. For example a <section> and <article> describe parts of a web page in a way that <div> does not. Semantic HTML aids web development and is important for accessibility.

ex1.1. emerging tech homepage

Create an emerging tech homepage following these specifications:

due: like now!! today!! ASAP.

ex1.2 design & print a keychain holder (or similar)

Using 3d design software such as Fusion 360, design a keychain or similar small item to print.

Once you have completed your design & had it checked, you will submit the file for printing. Your design should be:

The idea is if you forget your keys, we'll be able to return them to you by identifying your design.

To print:

presentation suggestion: Create a page to publish your work. (i.e. et1/3dprinting/index.html )

due: September 13

our sites