project 2: tell a story, in 3d, using Blender
In a joint project with both sections and 3rd-year students, you will create a scene that tells a short story.
Your scene should include a clear beginning, middle and end.
- beginning: an introduction of the main problem or tension that needs to be resolved
- middle: develop the story with rising action
- end: a climax where the tension is resolved, the problem is solved
- bonus: denouement, a final explanation or summary of any unresolved strands of the plot
Your scene should be made up of
- a general background or landscape, i.e. an urban environment, or on a lake, or on the moon
- objects such as cars, boats / fish, or aliens
- subjects such as people, characters, monsters, cute blocks with faces
- a 1-paragraph story brief
- a storyboard with 3 or more panels
- a gallery of images of all assets / elements in your scene
- video (uploaded to YouTube) of your final project / story
Keep it simple, at least to start. If you have time, add more elements, characters, a plot twist etc. Think 6-10 seconds